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Career & Promotion

Guides to Help You Choose, Build, Develop and Change Your Career

28 Proven Ways to Get a Work Promotion Without Asking

With 30 Years of Blue-Chip Leadership Experience, I Share 28 Proven Ways To Get Promoted At Work & Move Up In Your Career. Includes PDF Checklist

Why One-on-One Meetings With Your Boss Are Important

As an employee, a "one-on-one session" is vital for many reasons, from personal connection to strategic alignment and guidance. 1. Time with your boss is...

8 Step One-on-One Meeting Template for Employees

This article will share seven important ways to prepare your questions, feedback, and requests for your manager for your one-on-one session. This will help...

12 Rules For A Successful Career Change

You may have started your career in the IT sector, but you have realized that your dream is to make delicious cupcakes a year...

10 Step Transition Plan For A Midlife Career Change

Have you been working in the same field or industry for the last twenty years, and inside, you feel you want to try something...

Does A Midlife Career Change Mean A Midlife Crisis?

Some interpret changing careers in your forties and fifties as "oh, they are going through a midlife crisis." This article will help you explore...

DAPPER Process: The 6 Stages of Career Change Made Easy

Our process model for managing career change involves six stages. Career change is hard, but the DAPPER™ Model helps you easily move from denying...

9 Steps to Defining Professional Career Goals & Plans

Choosing the right career path is one of the most important decisions you will ever make, as it has a significant impact on your...

16 Ways to Create Job Opportunities & Get a Pay Rise

I asked five business leaders for their best tips on how to create and seize more opportunities at work. Here is the feedback. Thanks...

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